Sylvester the Cat Page


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sLyLeTi (16.Feb.2004)  
i LoVe SyLvEsTeR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jozef "silverfoxy" Zsapka (16.Feb.2004)    
Howdy friends, hope you enjoy the new site as much as possible! Hope Sylvestr himself likes it too Thanks for everyone out there who helped with filling the page up with pictures of our favourite kitty hero, many thans and cheers! Take care for now
emma (16.Feb.2004)  
please can you send me a background that has got songs on and animations please
Andreina Perez (16.Feb.2004)  
Me gustan mucho los felinos y por esa raz&#328;n me encanta tu forma de ser.
nic (16.Feb.2004)
i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love.... this site it is the best i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love sylvester
cya Nic
Tyler (16.Feb.2004)  
silvester is really cute
and i love his website.
Aldy (16.Feb.2004)
Sylvester is da bomb!!
ma. vira (16.Feb.2004)  
i want to join sylvester fanstuff....
Natalia (16.Feb.2004)  
you rock the looney toons. dont worry you will someday eat that stupid bird
Jenny (16.Feb.2004)  
you have some really neat pictures in here. I appreciate that. My finace and I are part of a group here that is called the lunatic squad but each person is named after a looney tunes person I will visit your site frequently.
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